Woman of the Week: Lucille Britz

Aug 30, 2023 in Head of security, Profiles, Woman of the Week, Women in Tech

Name: Lucille Britz
Designation: Head of security
Company: MTN

1. What do you do every day?
I am responsible for maintaining and improving the security for SEA and MENA OPCO’s. This means leading, directing and co-ordinating various tasks across functional and regional sectors.

The most important part of my job is the line management as part of the vertical structure that was implemented around tw years ago.

2. How did you get into the tech space?
It just happened, much like the way my career took off. My career kicked off with Telkom where I coached trainers in the technology and data areas.

After five years, my career took a turn towards project and change management on network projects still within the technology domain.

After ten years of exposure in the telecoms space I decided to explore the financial industry and worked for three major banks for about 15 years, looking after security and technology operations.

A wonderful challenging opportunity was presented by MTN in group information security and I enjoyed the MENA Regional work for about three years.

In my current position I am head of  security for SEA and MENA. I still have a lot to learn but I am always ready for the next challenge.

3. What was the best advice anyone ever gave you?
Take it minute by minute!

4.What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into tech?
Nothing is personal and your best is good enough. Just do it and make understanding technology your everyday business.

Look at available positions in the technology and security sectors.

Concentrate on skills development and education, work with a plan to get yourself ready.

5. What motivates you to get out of bed every day?
My love for life and exploring new places.
My job happens to be one of my passions.

6.What do you want to be when you grow up one day?
A Tech Savvy COO or VP. But before I reach this goal, I need to understand how to excel in delivery on a regional CTIO level and give myself another 1-2 years to master execution in close collaboration with technology leaders.